Thursday, June 18, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 7): Chakras - Visuddha Chakra

The following is the seventh installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(5) Visuddha Chakra (throat chakra)

The location of the visuddha chakra is near the throat/thyroid gland area in the physical body. Its principle is ether, and it is identified  with hearing and it relates to voice/vocal cord and the ears. The visuddha chakra is directly related with sahasrara chakra, the highest point of human's awareness. The function of vissudha is to purify the poisons occuring in the body and poisons coming into the physical form from the outside, and to increase metabolism in order to be able to live for a long time. In other words, you can maintain your physical body for a long time. In my opinion, by awakening up the visuddha chakra completely, HIV can be totally purified from the system. It can also completely control food and liquids. So you can live without eating for a long time. The visuddha chakra is able to transform the energy of the mental (causal) dimension into a physical dimensional energy such as oxygen and protein, to substitute for food to maintain the physical body. Many of you have heard the story of yogis buried underground for several days or even weeks without any food and water, who do not die. This is the siddhi from awakened visuddha chakra and it is known as "underground samadhi". The siddhi of this chakra is one of becoming extremely sensitive towards the vibration of people's thought; in other words, the ability of telepathy. It is said that the manipura chakra receives otherselves' thoughts, but the reality is that visuddha picks up the vibration and transmits it to the manipura and then to various centers in the brain to recognize. The supreme siddhi of this chakra is the ability to completely understand the Veda, the oldest holy text of the truth of the universe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 6): Chakras - Anahata Chakra

The following is the sixth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(4) Anahata Chakra

This is my favorite chakra and is known as the heart chakra or heart center. The meaning of anahata is "never stop" or endless. Nonphysical, transcendental, endless, beginningless sound, anahatanada exists in anahata chakra. Its location in the physical body is near the heart and cardiac plexus. The space of the heart in the physical body is very small, but the space of the heart in the astral dimension, which is anahata chakra, is very large and formless, and everything occurs from there.

The 3 chakras, from muladhara to manipura chakra, relate to the maintenance of the physical body---the senses that connect body and mind. Therefore, they are strongly related with worldly matters; in other words, cause and effect (karma) is very dominant. The lower three chakras are always related to karma. At the muladhara and svadisthana chakra state, the practitioner is completely governed by karma accordingly. At the state of the manipura chakra, the practitioner is still tied up with karma, but partially transcends karma and is able to control his life with will rather than be controlled by karma. Most people are born, grow up, and do various human actions through karma. Basically, anahata chakra is not influenced by karma which influences the lower three chakras.

Yogis who have attained anahata chakra know that karma is a reality, but are able to transcend and be free from it. The function of anahata is to transcend this wordly dimensional karma, so one who has developed anahata chakra is free from karma and at the same time is able to control the world of karma at his will. In other words, he can accomplish anything which he desires in this karma world. There is a great difference in functions and siddhis up to manipura chakra and from anahata chakra. Up to manipura chakra, the practitioner is just receptive of his karma, but at the anahata the practitioner is able to accomplish any kind of desire he wishes. The anahata charka's function of "accomplishing anything desired" is a function of kalpavriksha. Kalpavrikhsa is a tree, the evergreen tree, known as the tree of hope inside anahata chakra. This "tree of hope" is in everybody's anahata chakra, but it only appears and functions in those who have awakened the anahata chakra completely. By the way, yogis who have awakened the anahata chakra are able to accomplish any desire or wish in life, but whether his wish is good or bad, it will be accomplished equally. Therefore, yogis who have awakened this chakra and yogis who attempt to develop this chakra must be selfless (no ego), maintain positive attitude towards life, and have a good personality. Otherwise, he will create disharmony in society (one individual can destroy the whole world). Hindus believe that the absolute one, the creator God, Brahma (macrocosm) is living in the anahata chakra as Atman (microcosm). Basically, Atman (self, soul, spirit, God-within, etc.) is Brahma (God, creator). Atman is always one with Brahma. This experiential philosophy is at the core of the Hindu religion. The principal element of this chakra is air. Therefore, siddhis occuring from this chakra are for the control of air and wind. Nonpersonal but universal love will be awakened and become eloquent with poetic genius. Desires and wishes come true. Increasing of healing power, such as prana healing by placing one's hand on a patient and and send prana (ki) to heal otherself.  Otherself? Yes, you are "yourself" and other people besides you are "otherself". The word "otherself" is used by Dogen Zenji (Zen Master Dogen). Dogen Zenji has attained this high consciousness of myself and otherself through zazen meditation. Basically everything is oneness. I am you and you are me and I am everything and everything is me. This is the reality. But you simply could not see it that way. Simple because this is the state (level) human beings are at. This level is needed to evolve to "oneness" level. No matter what, we are going to be there anyway. In several hundred millions years time everybody will be there. We are in the middle of the evolution of the universe.

Everything came from nothingness and emptiness and became somethingness. Then why "somethingness"? To go back to emptiness! So blockage of this chakra causes inability communicate.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 5): Chakras - Manipura Chakra

The following is the fifth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(3) Manipura Chakra

This is the third chakra from the bottom. Its location is around the navel area, or solar plexus. The muladhara and svadisthana chakras are at an animal-like, instinct dimension. The principle of this chakra is fire. Therefore, awakening this chakra will bring loss of fear towards fire and the ability to control it. The siddhis that occur from awakened manipura chakra are clairvoyance, clairaudience, and control of strong passion and will power. At the state of muladhara and svadisthana chakras, the personality of the practitioner is still not completely purified, so the practitioner will demonstrate siddhis, but also demonstrates his egocentric self. In the state of the manipura chakra, the practitioner starts to see things that he's never seen before and understands them. In this way of understanding, the muladhara relates with the physical dimension; svadisthana is in between physical and spiritual; and manipura is in the spiritual dimension. Therefore at this state, the practitioner will leave the consciousness of the personal and emotional. Also concentration on this chakra will increase digestion.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 4): Chakras - Svadisthana Chakra

The following is the fourth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(2) Svadisthana Chakra

The location of this chakra in the physical body is near the sexual organs. Svadisthana chakra is a chakra of the subconscious. The subconscious mind is a foundation of human existence. It is a strong force, more powerful and active than our conscious mind. When the awakened Kundalini reaches svasdisthana, the practitioner will be influenced by the subconscious mind all the time. Most of human action is controlled by the subconscious mind, but our conscious mind is not aware of it most of the time. In our everyday life, our conscious and unconscious actions, useful and useless, meaningless actions, all our actions are automatically inputted and stored into the subconscious center is svadisthana, and also the karma of the process of evolution to human being.

This chakra's principle is water, and it is related to taste. It relates with the tongue, sexual organs, kidney and metabolism. When svadisthana chakra awakens, metabolism increases, so rejuvenation occurs, increasing reproductive power, long life, overcoming the fear of water, receiving knowledge of the astral body and karma or past lives. Blockage of this chakra causes jealousy and perversion. When chakra is evolved one step up, higher level chakras govern lower chakras. So that at muladhara, animal-like (instinct) karma is still active, but at svadisthana it is still a chakra of the subconscious, but it can govern muladhara chakra.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 3): Chakras - Muladhara Chakra

The following is the third installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.


The word "chakra" comes from Tantra yoga and belongs to the astral body. It is the center of psychic energy which is a higher level of ability in human beings, known as siddhis (extra superability, ESP, and/or psycho-kinesis ability). There are seven chakras in our body. These chakras are related to certain parts and organs of the physical body and also have a deep relation to the center in the brain. Many parts of this center in the brain are still undeveloped and not utilized or activated. In order to activate and develop these centers completely, it will take humans several million years to complete the process of evolution. The whole universe is evolving. We have evolved this much (...minerals ---> plants ---> animals ---> man). We are in the middle of a process. It is possible to complete evolution in one lifetime or several life times. In other words, developing the chakras will help process the evolution of mankind. Tantra already knows where we are going to evolve to the level of Buddha, the level of Jesus Christ, level of Jain, etc. They completed the evolution of mankind about 2000 years ago. In other words, they are several hundreds and thousands of years ahead of everybody. They are our examples of the way. Buddha, Jesus, Jain, Mohammed... they are not the only individuals that have attained enlightenment. Hundreds of yogis, Zen masters and various religious, spiritual practitioners have attained self realization. Therefore, there are many Buddhas and gods. Another meaning of Buddha or Christ is no different from Atman, the eternal self or soul. In this way, someone who lives next door to you could be a Buddha, or, everybody is God.

Locations and Functions of the Chakras

(7) Sahasrara Chakra (crown chakra) - top of head
(6) Ajna Chakra (third eye) - center of forehead
(5) Visuddha Charka ((throat chakra) - throat area
(4) Anahata Chakra (heart chakra) - center of the breast
(3) Manipura Chakra (navel chakra) - navel area
(2) Svadhisthana Chakra (2nd chakra) - sexual organ
(1) Muladhara Chakra (root chakra) - perineum area

(1) Muladhara Chakra (root chakra)

This is the 1st chakra. The meaning of Muladhara is Mula (root) Adhara (foundation or base), therefore, Muladhara Chakra is the basic foundation of the seven chakras.

Mula = Mulaprakriti.
Mulaprakriti is the transcendental orgin of nature. Nature, the phenomenon world that we see, everything came from mulaprakriti, and everything resolves to mulaprakriti. Therefore, mulaprakriti is the origin of nature's evolution. Mulaprakriti is basically responsible for the physical, material, psychological, and emotional --- everything that occurs in the human body. Muladhara chakra exists as a transcendental, non-material source in material (flesh) body, and it is supposedly fully developed and functioning in the future.

Muladhara chakra belongs to the earth principle; this principle is related to smell. Therefore muladhara chakra relates with smell, nose, and earth. The location of the muladhara chakra is at the perineum (in between the anus and the sexual organs) for man and at the neck of the womb (cervix of uterus) for woman and/or at the base of the spine and is the seat for the great dormant power, Kundalini Shakti.

There are seven more chakras below muladhara chakra, atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala, patala --- they belong to animal dimensions. Muladhara is the highest level chakra of these seven chakras, but is the lowest in the level of human existence. In muladhara, animal-like instinct and passion are dominant but sacred shakti also exists here. Therefore, this chakra is highest in animal dimension and lowest in human existence. As the highest chakra in the animal kingdom, uncountable experiences at the level of the animal state before human is stored in muladhara as abilities and as karma. For example, sleeping, eating, feeling, sexual behavior, etc. We obtained these abilities while we were in the animal state in the process of evolution. It is still working at the human level and is a function of muladhara chakra. So muladhara chakra is an origin of our conscious (mind) and unconscious activities.

For regular people, Kundalini Shakti rests in the muladhara chakra. This serpent power is in a sleeping state. When Kundalini Shakti awakens, it will raise up the sushumna nadi (astral nerve tube in the spine) and open up each chakra. Awakened Kundalini power will bring siddhi (supernatural powers) to individuals. When Kundalini awakens, it activates the muladhara chakra. In other words, muladhara chakra is activated by Kundalini Shakti. One will receive the abilities of increased memory, strong will power, mystical power of sense of smell, astral travel, beginning state of clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. Blockage of this chakra causes fear of death, fear of abandonment. This chakra is the dimension of the physical, egocentric (ego-oriented). Therefore, the yogi (practitioner) obtains siddhis but is still in the realm of the egocentric.

Kundalini Shakti
  • Kundalini Shakti is the life force which carries superior abilities.
  • The cosmic force called Kundalini Shakti is the greatest energy in man.
  • Kundalini Shakti brings people's spirituality to a higher level. Successful activation will bring siddhis.
According to Tantric texts, the purpose of pranayama (yogic breathing technique) is to awaken the Kundalini Shakti. You understand that Kundalini Shakti is the most sacred, superior energy in human beings. But a wrong approach will create great danger to your life. Only a pure, sincere approach will bring its superior benefits. Great yogi Swami Devananda explained this matter in his literature this way:

"Only advanced yogis could take Kundalini to the highest center. That is to the Ajna Chakra situated between the eyebrows and above it to the brain center and retain it for a long time. Only few yogis can awaken Kundalini and take her at will to the anahata chakra or heart center for a short period. Some students of yoga who often speak of Kundalini only stumbled upon that power, and know either how to take her to the higher centers at will, nor how to retain her in the highest centers. Nowadays we can see many such people who, after stumbling upon that force, pose as teachers and claim to know everything. It is said that one should become completely desireless and be full of dispassion before attempting to awaken Kundalini Shakti. Otherwise, the awakened power will be uncontrollable and inflict a terrible feeling of pain and heat upon the entire body. No doctor can diagnose  or cure it, because there will be no noticeable external symptoms. When purity of mind is attained through devotion and selfless service, pranayama, and meditation, then alone does the awakened Kundalini move upward and impart different kinds of experience, powers, and ananda (or bliss)."

"With the help of pranayama and the chanting of mantras, the sleeping Kundalini power is roused and moves to the next higher center, Sivadhisthana. From there onward the student with great effort carries the power to the next higher centers in regular ascending order: manipura, anahata, visuddha, ajna. Only when the power reaches consciously the ajna center in between the eyebrows may it be said that the practitioner has obtained success in controlling and manipulating the Kundalini Shakti, which appears like a brilliant flash of lightning. Even to reach this state, one has to work hard for several years and follow the method and contemplation taught by one's teacher. Nowadays, we can see everywhere pseudo yoga teacher who claim on public platforms that they can awaken Kundalini with their yogic powers if students can afford to pay a large amount of money. Yogic students are warned again and again that Kundalini can never be awakened by the power of such teachers, except through long and steady practices of meditation, chanting and breathing. A true teacher never expects anything from his students, and awaits the proper time --- perhaps years --- before he teaches everything to them."