Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Actual Practice to Self-Realization: Yoga Ashtanga - Niyama (Part 3)

The following is the fifteenth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new installment comes out.

YOGA ASHTANGA (8 Limbs of Yoga)

(1) Yama (ethics - dont's)
(2) Niyama (recommended practices - do's)
(3) Asana (yoga posture)
(4) Pranayama (breathing exercise)
(5) Pratyahara (making the mind introspective)
(6) Dharana (concentration)
(7) Dhyana (meditation)
(8) Samadhi (enlightenment)


(3) Asana (yoga posture)
Asana is the third step of yoga ashtanga, and it is one portion of yoga. There are many so-called yoga teachers who teach asanas only and call it yoga. Many of them don't even know and practice ashtanga and call themselves yoga teacher. Asana practice is not the way to become a circus star or to impress others by doing weird postures. And being a yoga teacher, is not a carrier or occupation. It is a selfless devotional service, and of course it is not a way to make money or to be famous attitude toward to be a yoga teacher should be no difference from being a monk or ascetic spiritual practitioner. (Actually it is so). Also priests and doctors (and politicians) should have this attitude towards their occupation. But looks like they are the richest unhealthy people in our low-consciousness society.

Remember, asana is a third step of yoga practice, and yoga practice is the way to self-realization.

There are uncountable benefits and effects that you receive by asana practice. Also you can expect miraculous effects thru this practice.

Proper attitude towards asana practice is to "Practice for the sake of practice." "Practice asana for asana." For example, you can lose weight, heal disease, become really flexible, through asana practice. But those are not the main purpose of asana practice. These are mainly side effects of asana practice. You don't (or not supposed to) practice asanas to lose weight, to gain flexibility or heal disease. When asanas are practiced correctly, these side effects follow naturally. And best results can be obtained when you totally forget about the results when you are practicing. Since spiritual practice is done to become egoless, selfless, the practice is the practice of no attachment. (Why egoless = no attachment? Who is attached to what?).

When one is practicing asana to obtain flexibility or to lose weight he or she is practicing for the effect itself. That is nothing but attachment and expectations towards the results. It is full of attachment towards "healing from the disease." Therefore you cannot heal and lose weight. Ironically, the best way to get the best effect is to forget about the effects. Completely and just practice for the sake of practice, because attachment (ignorance) is the source of suffering. This is the reason why many zen monks cannot attain enlightenment: so much attachment towards enlightenment, so much attachment to "no attachment"...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Actual Practice to Self-Realization: Yoga Ashtanga - Niyama (Part 2)

The following is the fourteenth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new installment comes out.

YOGA ASHTANGA (8 Limbs of Yoga)

(1) Yama (ethics - dont's)
(2) Niyama (recommended practices - do's)
(3) Asana (yoga posture)
(4) Pranayama (breathing exercise)
(5) Pratyahara (making the mind introspective)
(6) Dharana (concentration)
(7) Dhyana (meditation)
(8) Samadhi (enlightenment)


(2) Niyama (do's) - practices that are recommended (continued...)
5. Worship of God.
In Tantra yoga, God refers to Lord Siva, the creator God of this world. Siva also refers to "pure consciousness" and is the founder of yoga. In this way, practicing yoga ashtanga itself also can be a worship of God.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Actual Practice to Self-Realization: Yoga Ashtanga - Niyama (Part 1)

The following is the thirteenth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new installment comes out.

YOGA ASHTANGA (8 Limbs of Yoga)

(1) Yama (ethics - dont's)
(2) Niyama (recommended practices - do's)
(3) Asana (yoga posture)
(4) Pranayama (breathing exercise)
(5) Pratyahara (making the mind introspective)
(6) Dharana (concentration)
(7) Dhyana (meditation)
(8) Samadhi (enlightenment)


(2) Niyama (do's) - practices that are recommended
1. Cleanliness.
To keep the body and mind clean. Yogis in India take a holy bath three times a day to maintain the body clean. Controlling the breath by pranayama is an effective way to clean the mind. By practicing pranayama, mind becomes calm and strong and will not be influenced by outside stimulants. Breath and mind is always related to each other. Concentration and meditation to anahata chakra and ajna chakra is also a profound way to clean your mind.
2. Contentment.
Simply stop the mind of "I want this" and "I want that"; instead, appreciate and be thankful for the things that you already have.

3. Motification/Ascetic Practice.
Practices such as fasting, celibacy, very intense asana, pranayama and meditation practices. By practicing fasting, for example, one is able to control the most fundamental desire of a human being: the desire to eat. One can control the fundamental desires of man and able to control the senses and emotions which relates to the physical body thru ascetic practices.

4. Chanting.
Chanting of holy text. Mantras and chanting of holy sound Aum is an important yoga practice. Chanting is practiced is every religion. Chanting of Sutras (Buddhist bible) is one of the major practices in Buddhism. Even in Zen monasteries, the monks spend a lot of time chanting Sutras. (Zen Buddhism is known as a sect which does not depend on Sutras.

Holy Sound Aum

Aum is a sound of the Universe. Aum is the sound of God (or Aum is God). Aum is the origin of the word, and without words we wouldn't understand anything. We can see the tree without knowing the name of it. But to know about it w
e need the thought and word. Without word there is no thought. We would not know anything without thought in this phenomenon world. Therefore, this world is related with word, and word relates to thought and thought relates to the world. The Bible said "In the beginning was the word, and word was with God, and the word was God." In this way you can understand that nobody invented the word because the word itself is God. Aum is God.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Actual Practice to Self-Realization: Yoga Ashtanga - Yama (Part 3)

The following is the 12th installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new
installment comes out.

YOGA ASHTANGA (8 Limbs of Yoga)

(1) Yama (continued)...
5. Contentment (own only things that are necessary).
I want this. I want that. I want that too! This is known as the desire to possess, an instinctive desire of a human being. By controlling the endless desire to possess we also create peace in our society and our mind. Try to practice to possess only what is necessary for life. Simplify your belongings and life. In life what is necessary and what you want is different. What you want may not be what's necessary in your life. Satisfying our "desire to possess" makes our materialistic society more materialistic.

Siddhis of Yama
According to yoga sutra (the holy text of yoga), when a yogi accomplishes complete non-violence, any being around this yogi becomes peaceful - even bad people, murderers, or violent wild animals will not harm him.
You can create results without action. In other words, you can make things happen by just saying without doing. This is the siddhi of no lieing, the speaking only the truth practice. By practicing "no stealing" very deeply and completely it is said that various treasures from the world will come to you without you desiring for it. (In this dimension, by just imagining having sex with somebody else's wife, is considered stealing a wife and is considered taking).
When one practices celibacy, one will receive great power after one has been practicing celibacy for a certain period of time (6-12 years), along with meditation practice. Those practitioners who are able to transform the sexual energy to spiritual energies, their body and mind becomes extremely healthy and clear, and the most peaceful state of mind can be attained.
By practicing "contentment" deeply one is able to see the past, present and the future with clarity. When you are free from the "desire to possess" mind becomes extremely clear, so clear that you can see through past, present and future.

NEXT WEEK: Niyama (do's)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Actual Practice to Self-Realization: Yoga Ashtanga - Yama (Part 2)

The following is the 11th installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new
installment comes out.

YOGA ASHTANGA (8 Limbs of Yoga)

(1) Yama (continued)...
2. No Lying (speak only the truth).
This is common sense. I don't think I have to explain why "no lying." When you lie, people who you are lying to may not realize that you are lying, but you know that you are lying. This means that every time you lie to somebody, actually you are lying to your self. Again, when you lie, your subconscious mind will record it, and it will be reflected in your conscious mind. Therefore you will lose "peace of mind." In order to maintain peace in our society and maintain peace in our mind the precept of "No lying" is very important. One of my students said: "Yes, it makes so much sense and it is simple, but difficult to do." That's why we practice!
3. No Stealing (taking things away from others).
As zen master Dogen said, "You are myself and another individual is otherself", therefore, you and the other is one. When you steal, you are stealing from yourself... what a stupid behavior. Everything you do, good or bad, will stay as KARMA. In other words, everything is recorded in the subconscious mind. Anything that is inputted in the subconscious mind has to come out in reality. So, negative influence to your mind and body is created by the act of stealing. Also, you will be punished by society's law against stealing.
4. Celibacy (controlling desires).
No sexual behavior for certain period of time (celibacy). Sexual desires are one of the strongest desires of human being. By practicing celibacy one will be able to control the various desires that we experience in life. Fasting practice is similar to celibacy. Both practices will provide you a calm and peaceful mind. Mind suffers from various desires. So, if you can control your fundamental desires, then mind becomes free, calm and peaceful.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Actual Practice to Self-Realization: Yoga Ashtanga - Yama (Part I)

The following is the tenth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new
installment comes out.

YOGA ASHTANGA (8 Limbs of Yoga)

(1) Yama (ethics - dont's)
(2) Niyama (recommended practices - do's)
(3) Asana (yoga posture)
(4) Pranayama (breathing exercise)
(5) Pratyahara (making the mind introspective)
(6) Dharana (concentration)
(7) Dhyana (meditation)
(8) Samadhi (enlightenment)

Yoga is a method for awakening and developing the chakras and kundalini shakti. Yoga is a system to attain superconsciousness and it is a way to enlightenment.

There are eight steps to self-realization known as Yoga Ashtanga (8 limbs of yoga) and this is yogi practice. So being a yogi means the practice of ashtanga in life.

The eight limbs can be separated into three parts:

  1. Basic moral practices.
  2. Physical practices.
  3. Spiritual practices.


(1) Yama
1. No Violence (no killing).
Hurting and destroying other people, other living beings and things using violence, usually comes from the emotion of hate, anger, and lust of conquest (desire to subjugate) and not being able to control these emotions. After the violent act, emotions and thoughts of the guilty conscience and repentance becomes recorded in the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is affected by this process and the result is a very unbalanced mind that is not able to be at peace. This condition is very destructive to the meditation practice.

Non-violence is also very important to keep the peace in our society. This is why many spiritual and religious practitioners are vegetarian. How can you eat killed animals if you want to practice non-violence? "I did not kill them" you may say, but by purchasing and eating you are killing them indirectly and thereby contributing to violence. Generally speaking there are two different kinds of vegetarians. The first practice because of health reasons. These people are usually very healthy and happy because they practice vegetarianism for complete health. Another group of vegetarians are religious/spiritual practitioners. They practice no killing - non-violence of Yama - the very first step of all the spiritual practice. The benefit of this principle is very profound and receiving good health is merely a positive side effect. The real benefit one receives from this precept is incredible and only personal experience can explain this adequately. So in a sense, those vegetarians who practice vegetarianism only for health reasons, can be called "selfish vegetarians." I apologize for the label.... but vegetarianism is a basic must for those who attempt to awaken and develop the svadistana chakra, the second chakra. And also, those who claim to be a yoga teacher... must be a vegetarian, of course!!! Anybody who can not even step into a most basic practice of yoga, should not even think of calling him or herself a yoga teacher.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 9): Chakras - Sahasrara Chakra

The following is the ninth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(7) Sahasrara Chakra

You can leave your physical body through sahasrara chakra. You can ride on your astral body and leave this physical body (astral projection) and return to God, where you originally came from. In there, you'll hear the voice of God and realize the reasons for all existence, God, and be led to supreme ecstasy. (You have no more questions, you know everything). You can leave your body and get into another's body and give positive influence to the mind and body of others. The self (you) becomes wider, more free and able to be one with God in higher dimensions... siddhis of completely awakened sahasrara chakra. This itself is the completion of our evolution.

By the way, sahasrara chakras is the most high, supreme chakra of human beings!!! But it is the lowest chakra of divine spirits (gods), like muladhara chakra is the highest chakra in animal kingdom but lowest in our kingdom.

Look for the continuation of my book in the upcoming blogs where I will discuss the actual practice to reach self-realization: yoga ashtanga.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 8): Chakras - Ajna Chakra

The following is the eighth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(6) Ajna Chakra

The ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows or in the center of the forehead, known as the third eye. This is the first chakra that the practitioner should endeavor to awaken. Awakening of the ajna chakra will unwind karma. Ajna chakra purifies the mind and it has the ability to control all the other chakras. By concentrating and meditating on the ajna chakra, it starts to awaken, and the practitioner will experience great change in his mind and starts to purify the mind. When the mind is purified, then there will be no problems---problems occur only when the practitioner concentrates and meditates on other chakras (other than the ajna chakra). Because chakras other than ajna chakra carry various karmas, especially at muladhara, everything of karma is stored. Yogis usually meditate on this chakra to purify the mind. So when various karma rise up from various chakras, one's mind will not be taken over by karma. Therefore, yogis should not attempt to awaken the other chakras before waking up the ajna chakra. The principle of this chakra is consciousness.

Siddhis of the Ajna Chakra

When yogis start to realize the God within, the beginning of self-realization occurs---not human consciousness, but deeper and broader, higher consciousness---and the superconsciousness will be awake all the time. There will be a complete understanding of the past, present, future, and karma of yourself, otherself, past life, karma of place, country and planet. The most important thing about ajna chakra is that it will purify the karma and transcend the karma. In order for a human being to evolve to above human being (completion of evolution), complete awakening of ajna and sahasrara chakra is absolutely necessary.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 7): Chakras - Visuddha Chakra

The following is the seventh installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(5) Visuddha Chakra (throat chakra)

The location of the visuddha chakra is near the throat/thyroid gland area in the physical body. Its principle is ether, and it is identified  with hearing and it relates to voice/vocal cord and the ears. The visuddha chakra is directly related with sahasrara chakra, the highest point of human's awareness. The function of vissudha is to purify the poisons occuring in the body and poisons coming into the physical form from the outside, and to increase metabolism in order to be able to live for a long time. In other words, you can maintain your physical body for a long time. In my opinion, by awakening up the visuddha chakra completely, HIV can be totally purified from the system. It can also completely control food and liquids. So you can live without eating for a long time. The visuddha chakra is able to transform the energy of the mental (causal) dimension into a physical dimensional energy such as oxygen and protein, to substitute for food to maintain the physical body. Many of you have heard the story of yogis buried underground for several days or even weeks without any food and water, who do not die. This is the siddhi from awakened visuddha chakra and it is known as "underground samadhi". The siddhi of this chakra is one of becoming extremely sensitive towards the vibration of people's thought; in other words, the ability of telepathy. It is said that the manipura chakra receives otherselves' thoughts, but the reality is that visuddha picks up the vibration and transmits it to the manipura and then to various centers in the brain to recognize. The supreme siddhi of this chakra is the ability to completely understand the Veda, the oldest holy text of the truth of the universe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 6): Chakras - Anahata Chakra

The following is the sixth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(4) Anahata Chakra

This is my favorite chakra and is known as the heart chakra or heart center. The meaning of anahata is "never stop" or endless. Nonphysical, transcendental, endless, beginningless sound, anahatanada exists in anahata chakra. Its location in the physical body is near the heart and cardiac plexus. The space of the heart in the physical body is very small, but the space of the heart in the astral dimension, which is anahata chakra, is very large and formless, and everything occurs from there.

The 3 chakras, from muladhara to manipura chakra, relate to the maintenance of the physical body---the senses that connect body and mind. Therefore, they are strongly related with worldly matters; in other words, cause and effect (karma) is very dominant. The lower three chakras are always related to karma. At the muladhara and svadisthana chakra state, the practitioner is completely governed by karma accordingly. At the state of the manipura chakra, the practitioner is still tied up with karma, but partially transcends karma and is able to control his life with will rather than be controlled by karma. Most people are born, grow up, and do various human actions through karma. Basically, anahata chakra is not influenced by karma which influences the lower three chakras.

Yogis who have attained anahata chakra know that karma is a reality, but are able to transcend and be free from it. The function of anahata is to transcend this wordly dimensional karma, so one who has developed anahata chakra is free from karma and at the same time is able to control the world of karma at his will. In other words, he can accomplish anything which he desires in this karma world. There is a great difference in functions and siddhis up to manipura chakra and from anahata chakra. Up to manipura chakra, the practitioner is just receptive of his karma, but at the anahata the practitioner is able to accomplish any kind of desire he wishes. The anahata charka's function of "accomplishing anything desired" is a function of kalpavriksha. Kalpavrikhsa is a tree, the evergreen tree, known as the tree of hope inside anahata chakra. This "tree of hope" is in everybody's anahata chakra, but it only appears and functions in those who have awakened the anahata chakra completely. By the way, yogis who have awakened the anahata chakra are able to accomplish any desire or wish in life, but whether his wish is good or bad, it will be accomplished equally. Therefore, yogis who have awakened this chakra and yogis who attempt to develop this chakra must be selfless (no ego), maintain positive attitude towards life, and have a good personality. Otherwise, he will create disharmony in society (one individual can destroy the whole world). Hindus believe that the absolute one, the creator God, Brahma (macrocosm) is living in the anahata chakra as Atman (microcosm). Basically, Atman (self, soul, spirit, God-within, etc.) is Brahma (God, creator). Atman is always one with Brahma. This experiential philosophy is at the core of the Hindu religion. The principal element of this chakra is air. Therefore, siddhis occuring from this chakra are for the control of air and wind. Nonpersonal but universal love will be awakened and become eloquent with poetic genius. Desires and wishes come true. Increasing of healing power, such as prana healing by placing one's hand on a patient and and send prana (ki) to heal otherself.  Otherself? Yes, you are "yourself" and other people besides you are "otherself". The word "otherself" is used by Dogen Zenji (Zen Master Dogen). Dogen Zenji has attained this high consciousness of myself and otherself through zazen meditation. Basically everything is oneness. I am you and you are me and I am everything and everything is me. This is the reality. But you simply could not see it that way. Simple because this is the state (level) human beings are at. This level is needed to evolve to "oneness" level. No matter what, we are going to be there anyway. In several hundred millions years time everybody will be there. We are in the middle of the evolution of the universe.

Everything came from nothingness and emptiness and became somethingness. Then why "somethingness"? To go back to emptiness! So blockage of this chakra causes inability communicate.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 5): Chakras - Manipura Chakra

The following is the fifth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(3) Manipura Chakra

This is the third chakra from the bottom. Its location is around the navel area, or solar plexus. The muladhara and svadisthana chakras are at an animal-like, instinct dimension. The principle of this chakra is fire. Therefore, awakening this chakra will bring loss of fear towards fire and the ability to control it. The siddhis that occur from awakened manipura chakra are clairvoyance, clairaudience, and control of strong passion and will power. At the state of muladhara and svadisthana chakras, the personality of the practitioner is still not completely purified, so the practitioner will demonstrate siddhis, but also demonstrates his egocentric self. In the state of the manipura chakra, the practitioner starts to see things that he's never seen before and understands them. In this way of understanding, the muladhara relates with the physical dimension; svadisthana is in between physical and spiritual; and manipura is in the spiritual dimension. Therefore at this state, the practitioner will leave the consciousness of the personal and emotional. Also concentration on this chakra will increase digestion.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 4): Chakras - Svadisthana Chakra

The following is the fourth installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.

CHAKRAS (continued)...

(2) Svadisthana Chakra

The location of this chakra in the physical body is near the sexual organs. Svadisthana chakra is a chakra of the subconscious. The subconscious mind is a foundation of human existence. It is a strong force, more powerful and active than our conscious mind. When the awakened Kundalini reaches svasdisthana, the practitioner will be influenced by the subconscious mind all the time. Most of human action is controlled by the subconscious mind, but our conscious mind is not aware of it most of the time. In our everyday life, our conscious and unconscious actions, useful and useless, meaningless actions, all our actions are automatically inputted and stored into the subconscious center is svadisthana, and also the karma of the process of evolution to human being.

This chakra's principle is water, and it is related to taste. It relates with the tongue, sexual organs, kidney and metabolism. When svadisthana chakra awakens, metabolism increases, so rejuvenation occurs, increasing reproductive power, long life, overcoming the fear of water, receiving knowledge of the astral body and karma or past lives. Blockage of this chakra causes jealousy and perversion. When chakra is evolved one step up, higher level chakras govern lower chakras. So that at muladhara, animal-like (instinct) karma is still active, but at svadisthana it is still a chakra of the subconscious, but it can govern muladhara chakra.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 3): Chakras - Muladhara Chakra

The following is the third installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new 
installment comes out.


The word "chakra" comes from Tantra yoga and belongs to the astral body. It is the center of psychic energy which is a higher level of ability in human beings, known as siddhis (extra superability, ESP, and/or psycho-kinesis ability). There are seven chakras in our body. These chakras are related to certain parts and organs of the physical body and also have a deep relation to the center in the brain. Many parts of this center in the brain are still undeveloped and not utilized or activated. In order to activate and develop these centers completely, it will take humans several million years to complete the process of evolution. The whole universe is evolving. We have evolved this much (...minerals ---> plants ---> animals ---> man). We are in the middle of a process. It is possible to complete evolution in one lifetime or several life times. In other words, developing the chakras will help process the evolution of mankind. Tantra already knows where we are going to evolve to the level of Buddha, the level of Jesus Christ, level of Jain, etc. They completed the evolution of mankind about 2000 years ago. In other words, they are several hundreds and thousands of years ahead of everybody. They are our examples of the way. Buddha, Jesus, Jain, Mohammed... they are not the only individuals that have attained enlightenment. Hundreds of yogis, Zen masters and various religious, spiritual practitioners have attained self realization. Therefore, there are many Buddhas and gods. Another meaning of Buddha or Christ is no different from Atman, the eternal self or soul. In this way, someone who lives next door to you could be a Buddha, or, everybody is God.

Locations and Functions of the Chakras

(7) Sahasrara Chakra (crown chakra) - top of head
(6) Ajna Chakra (third eye) - center of forehead
(5) Visuddha Charka ((throat chakra) - throat area
(4) Anahata Chakra (heart chakra) - center of the breast
(3) Manipura Chakra (navel chakra) - navel area
(2) Svadhisthana Chakra (2nd chakra) - sexual organ
(1) Muladhara Chakra (root chakra) - perineum area

(1) Muladhara Chakra (root chakra)

This is the 1st chakra. The meaning of Muladhara is Mula (root) Adhara (foundation or base), therefore, Muladhara Chakra is the basic foundation of the seven chakras.

Mula = Mulaprakriti.
Mulaprakriti is the transcendental orgin of nature. Nature, the phenomenon world that we see, everything came from mulaprakriti, and everything resolves to mulaprakriti. Therefore, mulaprakriti is the origin of nature's evolution. Mulaprakriti is basically responsible for the physical, material, psychological, and emotional --- everything that occurs in the human body. Muladhara chakra exists as a transcendental, non-material source in material (flesh) body, and it is supposedly fully developed and functioning in the future.

Muladhara chakra belongs to the earth principle; this principle is related to smell. Therefore muladhara chakra relates with smell, nose, and earth. The location of the muladhara chakra is at the perineum (in between the anus and the sexual organs) for man and at the neck of the womb (cervix of uterus) for woman and/or at the base of the spine and is the seat for the great dormant power, Kundalini Shakti.

There are seven more chakras below muladhara chakra, atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala, patala --- they belong to animal dimensions. Muladhara is the highest level chakra of these seven chakras, but is the lowest in the level of human existence. In muladhara, animal-like instinct and passion are dominant but sacred shakti also exists here. Therefore, this chakra is highest in animal dimension and lowest in human existence. As the highest chakra in the animal kingdom, uncountable experiences at the level of the animal state before human is stored in muladhara as abilities and as karma. For example, sleeping, eating, feeling, sexual behavior, etc. We obtained these abilities while we were in the animal state in the process of evolution. It is still working at the human level and is a function of muladhara chakra. So muladhara chakra is an origin of our conscious (mind) and unconscious activities.

For regular people, Kundalini Shakti rests in the muladhara chakra. This serpent power is in a sleeping state. When Kundalini Shakti awakens, it will raise up the sushumna nadi (astral nerve tube in the spine) and open up each chakra. Awakened Kundalini power will bring siddhi (supernatural powers) to individuals. When Kundalini awakens, it activates the muladhara chakra. In other words, muladhara chakra is activated by Kundalini Shakti. One will receive the abilities of increased memory, strong will power, mystical power of sense of smell, astral travel, beginning state of clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. Blockage of this chakra causes fear of death, fear of abandonment. This chakra is the dimension of the physical, egocentric (ego-oriented). Therefore, the yogi (practitioner) obtains siddhis but is still in the realm of the egocentric.

Kundalini Shakti
  • Kundalini Shakti is the life force which carries superior abilities.
  • The cosmic force called Kundalini Shakti is the greatest energy in man.
  • Kundalini Shakti brings people's spirituality to a higher level. Successful activation will bring siddhis.
According to Tantric texts, the purpose of pranayama (yogic breathing technique) is to awaken the Kundalini Shakti. You understand that Kundalini Shakti is the most sacred, superior energy in human beings. But a wrong approach will create great danger to your life. Only a pure, sincere approach will bring its superior benefits. Great yogi Swami Devananda explained this matter in his literature this way:

"Only advanced yogis could take Kundalini to the highest center. That is to the Ajna Chakra situated between the eyebrows and above it to the brain center and retain it for a long time. Only few yogis can awaken Kundalini and take her at will to the anahata chakra or heart center for a short period. Some students of yoga who often speak of Kundalini only stumbled upon that power, and know either how to take her to the higher centers at will, nor how to retain her in the highest centers. Nowadays we can see many such people who, after stumbling upon that force, pose as teachers and claim to know everything. It is said that one should become completely desireless and be full of dispassion before attempting to awaken Kundalini Shakti. Otherwise, the awakened power will be uncontrollable and inflict a terrible feeling of pain and heat upon the entire body. No doctor can diagnose  or cure it, because there will be no noticeable external symptoms. When purity of mind is attained through devotion and selfless service, pranayama, and meditation, then alone does the awakened Kundalini move upward and impart different kinds of experience, powers, and ananda (or bliss)."

"With the help of pranayama and the chanting of mantras, the sleeping Kundalini power is roused and moves to the next higher center, Sivadhisthana. From there onward the student with great effort carries the power to the next higher centers in regular ascending order: manipura, anahata, visuddha, ajna. Only when the power reaches consciously the ajna center in between the eyebrows may it be said that the practitioner has obtained success in controlling and manipulating the Kundalini Shakti, which appears like a brilliant flash of lightning. Even to reach this state, one has to work hard for several years and follow the method and contemplation taught by one's teacher. Nowadays, we can see everywhere pseudo yoga teacher who claim on public platforms that they can awaken Kundalini with their yogic powers if students can afford to pay a large amount of money. Yogic students are warned again and again that Kundalini can never be awakened by the power of such teachers, except through long and steady practices of meditation, chanting and breathing. A true teacher never expects anything from his students, and awaits the proper time --- perhaps years --- before he teaches everything to them."


Thursday, May 28, 2009

TANTRA YOGA (Part 2): Traditional Religion and Esoteric Religion

The following is the second installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new installment comes out.

In traditional religion the understanding of God, Buddha, or an absolute being is always related to this world. In other words, God appears in the form that we can understand. For example, God appears as Buddha, Kanzeon Bosatsu, or, in Christianity, as Jesus Christ, and, in Shintoism, as the god Amaterasu Omikami (sun), to protect peace on earth. So, traditional religion, basically, centers, on this world, relates to this world and worships God or Buddha who saves this world.

Esoteric Religion

The center of esoteric religion is not of this world. The center is God or Buddha, not this world (us). The main purpose of esoteric religion is to transcend being human and become Buddha, God. In other words, unite one with God. We have evolved this much (to human beings) but are still not completed. In other words, we are in the middle of our evolution. The practices taught by esoteric religion is for human beings to evolve to be above the human being. Tantra yoga is certainly an esoteric part of yoga. Generally speaking, you can consider that Hinayana, Mahayana, Jodo sect, Nichiren sects, etc., of Buddhism as traditional religions while Vajrayana, Shingon, Tendai sects, etc. as esoteric. Zen Buddhism? Zen Buddhism is part of Mahayana tradition so it is supposedly a traditional religion. But when you look deeper into its teaching and practice, you'll understand that its practice is a supreme form of Tantrism. And in Christianity, Protestantism = traditional religion and the esoteric part of Catholicism is Tantrism.  Generally speaking, yoga has various styles and you can separate them into two categories: classical yoga and Hatha (esoteric) yoga.

Traditional Religion/Classical Yoga

To control or destroy the three dimensional, wordly desire of human beings in order to make this world holy/sacred---this is known as classical yoga.

Hatha Yoga

To use positive physical and spiritual practice, to reform consciousness rapidly, to make holy and sacred the third dimensional world view (outlook of the third dimensional world) to become one with God---this is known as Hatha Yoga. Therefore, Hatha Yoga is part of Tantrism, an esoteric religion.

So, classical religion = traditional religion, and Hatha Yoga is esoteric ( Tantra) yoga. Actually, Hatha Yoga is the root of Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Chineze Zen and Japanese Vajrayana (Shingon) Buddhism.

An important characteristic of Tantrism is the emphasis on actual practice and technique rather than philosophy. Therefore, a Guru (master of Tantric technique) becomes very important.


Tantra Yoga was founded by God, Lord Siva. According to Tantra, man is a totally "free being", almighty being. In the process of becoming God (evolution of mankind), we have three different dimensional bodies and minds. Step up one by one and realize and awaken the existence of a higher dimension of your body and mind and go to the land of God. Or be one with God or become God or return to God or enlightenment, self-realization or whatever you want to call it... finally, you'll be free from these bodies and minds... you are not body or mind, then who are you? ...I am not this body and I am not my astral body, I am not my mental body and I am not a mind. Then who am I??? You are eternal soul. You are spirit! Priests will tell you so (because the Bible said so...) Yes, we are eternal soul and spirit, there are many names for it. (Different religions have different names for it. Many names of one same thing. So don't fight over the different names). Body and mind is not you. You are the eternal soul. Opposite of eternal is temporal. So here unbalance occurs. Soul is eternal (beginningless, endless). Body is temporal. Our body lasts about 100 years, but the soul is eternal. Then where do you go after you die and lose your body? Unless you attain enlightenment (self-realization, to realize that you are an eternal being, realize that you are the God, realize who you really are), you will keep receiving new bodies, and this is called reincarnation.


  1. Physical body and its mind (mind that is related with material body).
  2. Astral body and its mind (emotional sense).
  3. Mental (causal) body and mind (intuition).
In these three bodies and minds, the physical body and mind exist and function in this phenomenal (material) world. In the surface area of Yo (Yang), while it is supported by the astral and mental body, In (Yin). The astral and mental body cannot be observed by the five physical senses and mind.

Physical Body (Material Body)

The soul (self) is beyond the physical body. The physical body is just a vehicle for you.  The physical body is the place to experience happiness (good karma) and misery (bad karma) and is made up of five elements. You obtained this body as the result of your past karma. All the problems (or suffering) in life comes from ignorance (I am the body consciousness), in this way almost everybody is ignorant (I am the body consciousness).

Astral Body. This is your second vehicle.

The astral body is made up of life-force or prana energy (also known as "ki" in Japanese or "chi" in Chinese), senses and mind. The astral world is also known as the 4th dimension. The physical body functions in this material (physical) world, likewise we use our astral body for activities in the astral world. Dreams come from the astral dimension, and when you practice your meditation, you are stepping into the astral dimension.

Our senses and mind are in the astral dimension, and when people die senses and mind still exist. Everybody has an astral body (or rather, the astral body has every body).

Mental (Causal) Body.

This is your third body, or 1st body rather.

The mental body is the cause of astral and physical body. The causal body is the cause of the mistake of "I am the body" consciousness.

These three bodies and mind exist in different dimensions. But the three bodies make one complete human being. Like there is no tree without roots. 

These three different dimensional bodies interrelate with chakras. Chakras function as a center of the three different bodies and it mediates prana (ki energy) from the different bodies. It converts the physical prana to astral energy or converts astral energy to physical energy to vitalize the body and mind. Therefore, activating and developing chakras will bring people into a higher level of consciousness and also be able to support the lower level of existence.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


The following is the first installment of a new book on Tantra Yoga that I am writing. As a follower of this blog you have the opportunity to read this soon to be published book as each chapter comes out. So please make sure to check this blog as often as you can. Or better yet, sign up as a follower of this blog to be automatically notified via email when each new installment comes out.


The purpose of Yoga practice is to become one with sacred objects or God. What is a sacred object? Examples are chakras, mantras, mandalas, etc. as in Tantra Yoga teaching. It is simply to concentrate (deep concentration) on a sacred object or God and to become one with it. In order to be one with God or a sacred object, denial of "self" (egolessness) is necessary.

Oneness with an object happens upon complete denial of the existence of "self" (subject), which is opposed to the object. At that moment, the practitioner will transcend subjective/objective understanding or knowledge. Subjective understanding is just subjective understanding and objective understanding is just objective understanding and not complete understanding. Subjective/objective understanding is the dimension of our modern science. Scientists (subject) study or observe objects. The scientist never becomes the object or tries to understand the object. No matter how much you observe and study, objective understanding is just objective understanding. In science, basic understanding of objectivity depends on sense organs which belong to the physical body which exists in the physical dimension.

One transcends the dimension of relativity (subjective/objective) by denying the self (subject) which is opposed to the object and therefore no longer depending on the senses. Consciousness that does not depend on the senses, consciousness of oneness, consciousness of the absolute (non-relative = unity of subject & object) and intuition is known as super consciousness in Tantra yoga.


What is Tantra? I'll try to explain Tantra. Explain Tantra? ... Tantra, Zen, Tao and/or God (absolute being) are dimensions of the non-relative. It is in the dimension of the non-relative (absolute, not in the realm of subjective/objective). "Explanation," as our communication tool, is within the realm of relativity---subjective/objective dimension. Therefore, explaining Tantra means trying to explain the inexplicable. It is something like this: when you want to know about God, you'll read some holy text or go to a priest, or these days, you might turn on your computer and google some websites. They'll tell you God is like this... it looks like this... it is also like this... And they'll use many different stories and metaphors and never say "this is this". Once you say "this is this", then this (God) becomes that, and limits it to "that". God is not "that" but, rather, it can be that but it is also this and it can be this and it is like this too and so on and so forth.

Therefore, I'll use many different stories and metaphors to explain Tantra. In the process you may find conflicts among those stories and metaphors. For example, when explaining one thing using five stories, these stories may conflict with each other but do not get confused, because again it's the "it is like this, but it also is this, and it is this way too" business. And it's this way also. So your understanding towards "it" should be like this and it's like this and this way also. Although stories conflict with each other, mix it together and understand it as a whole. Also, conflicts between metaphors (teachings) occur when the same subject is discussed on different levels. Expand your understanding and consciousness.

The word "understand" is very relative---you (subject) understanding God (object). Subjective understanding is just subjective understanding, not absolute understanding (non-relative). Therefore it is not complete, it is just your understanding and it is a head trip---the dimension of modern science. You'll know nothing this way. Real understanding comes from the absolute dimension only. Therefore actual practice (experience) is emphasized (such as meditation) rather than intellectual studies. In Tantra truth is not in a Bible, truth is within you. Buddha, Jesus, God are also not in the Bible. They are within you. Also they are not in the sky or anywhere else. They are really within you. The Bible, sutras change all the time---it is a matter of your understanding---it changes all the time. The experienced practitioner will read and understand very deeply. Beginning practitioner only read the surface of the word.

For thousand of years, these sacred practices have been transmitted on this planet. Among these practices, especially, is the awakening and developing of Kundalini Shakti and chakras to bring human beings to transcend the state of human being to absolute freedom, and evolve to eternal beings. This practice is called Tantra Yoga. You can also consider that any teachings that talk about chakras, Kundalini Shakti, microcosm and macrocosm is a category of Tantrism. There is Tantrism in Buddhism known as Vajrayana (Tibetan Buddhism is very much influenced by Tantrism). There is Hindu Tantrism (Tantra Yoga). There is Tantrism in Jainism. You can find Tantrism in almost any religion.

Everything has In ([-] or Yin) and Yo ([+] or Yang). Everything has its surface, visible area and internal, inside, not visible parts. Take a tree for example. The visible "Yo" part of the tree you can observe - trunk, branches and leaves. The "In", the not visible part of the tree, the hidden part of the tree, are its roots. There is no tree without root or trunk. So everything is In and Yo. There is no coin without head or tail so therefore the head and tail make a complete coin.

Yo (Yang) + In (Yin) -
rock......and.............roll (oh, excuse me)

One day, when I was lecturing about Yin and Yang, one of my female students had gotten very upset and said "I understand the philosophy, but why are women equated with darkness, bad, negative and low?!!! This very discriminating and is a very man-oriented teaching!" 

When the winter comes and all the leaves fall the tree looks dead. But when spring comes and starts to get warm, new leaves start to come out and it looks alive again because of the roots, the In (Yin) existence. You can not recognize "light" without "darkness". Bad does not mean bad. It is just the other end of good. Negative does not mean negative. A complete balance of negative and positive will create electricity. Human being is not man and woman, man and woman make human being.

Every religion has In and Yo parts.

Stay tuned for the next article of this blog:  "Traditional Religion and Esoteric Religion"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Positive Thinking

"Playing in the realm of emptiness and nothingness, 
the enlightened world."

In Buddhism we say that nothing exists in this universe besides mind --- in other words: everything is a product of mind. By positively thinking that something is possible, even when it looks impossible, it will be possible.

When you die, mind (in common understanding) disappears, but Karma stays. Cancer is nothing but an increase in abnormal cells. Naturally the immune system of the body wants to fight it. The immune system is influenced by the mind. Whether you are enlightened or not, believe that you have Buddha-nature. We come from Buddha-nature.

To use this energy and to depend on it, will make a big difference in your life. By thinking positively and acting in an affirmative way, you will experience not only how your health will improve, but your relationships will benefit as well.

When you are aware in this way, you can use what religion sometimes refers to as infinite power/energy, which is Buddha-nature.

When this awareness happens, good luck will be part of your life and you will feel miracles happen. When you feel this, it will be very difficult for you to fall ill. The best way to rid yourself of mental fatigue is to focus your mind (zazen meditation). A second way to rid yourself of mental fatigue is to use positive speech, for example by saying "I am filled with God's infinite power." If you want to accomplish something that seems difficult, the best way is to visualize that you have already accomplished it. What to do when you are "freaking out"? Behave as if you are not freaking out, as if you are perfectly happy.

Make your face happy and your mind will follow. In Buddhism, everything is cause and effect, therefore Buddhism does not teach in terms of destiny or fate.

Human beings can choose cause by use of mind and the appropriate effect will follow. 

Nothing is therefore impossible. By effort and by mind we can then eliminate certain obstacles, which in turn will allow the desired effect to follow.

When you want to accomplish something, unless you remove the obstacle, whether internal or external, nothing can happen.

That is why you need effort and time. No matter how frustrated or upset you are, think in terms of cause and effect, so when the appropriate time comes and the obstacle is removed, your wish will come true.

To attain enlightenment is not difficult, only don't discriminate.

Reprinted from "The Spiritual" newsletter 1994.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Rules For Being Human

1. You Will Receive a Body.

    You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time round.


2. You Will Learn Your Lessons.

    You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school you will have an opportunity tolearn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.


3. There Are no Mistakes, Only Lessons.

    Growth is a process of trial and error: experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works".


4. A Lesson Is Repeated Until Learned.

    A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.


5. Learning Lessons Does Not End.

    There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.


6. "There" Is No Better Than "Here".

    When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here".


7. Others Are Merely Mirrors Of You.

    You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.


8. What You Make Of Your Life Is Up To You

    You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.


9. Your Answers Lie Inside You.

    The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.


10. You Will Forget All This.


11. You Can Remember It Whenever You Want.


Above article taken from a spiritual paper.


    There is no such thing as somebody's or something's fault in life.

    If you suffer from something or somebody, it is your fault, your karma to be in that situation. For example, if you are driving and some drunk driver hits you from behind, it is your fault!! It is your karma to be in that situation. You have nobody to blame, you can blame your karma.



    Karma is your behavior. Whatever you do, whatever you speak, whatever you think, becomes your karma. It's very simple to create good karma. Do Good, speak Good, think Good. That's all.
